I first bought this product about a year ago after reading
loads of beauty blogs that said it does wonders for your hair. The name
instantly got my attention, it’s not the most imaginative title but I’m sure a
lot of people have the same problem of hair that NEVER grows!
It is suggested that you use the treatment after shampooing and before conditioning. You are to use an egg sized amount and massage it into your hair from roots to ends and leave for 5 minutes (which can be quite tedious standing in the shower staring at the bathroom door).
The tub states that you are to use the treatment every time you wash your hair until hair growth improves. The problem with this is you have to use a fairly large amount to cover the whole of your hair each time, the tub isn’t that large so it only last a few weeks. As it is quite expensive I would recommend buying 3 tubs when there is a 3 for 2 offer on to save you some money. I'm often in a rush in the mornings so don't have time to stand about in the shower so it doensn't get used everyday.The smell of this is AMAZING and lasts throughout the day.
As I said, I’ve been using this for about a year now and have gone through quite a few tubs. I definitely wouldn’t say that this treatment has made my hair grow sadly BUT it has improved the condition of my hair and I love how soft and shiny it makes it. I have also noticed it feeling much stronger, something I have had problems with in the past.
Overall, I would recommend anyone who has hair growth problems to try out this product. It may not work wonders for me but I put this down to my hair being beyond repair-I’m sure other people would see much better results than I have. It has definitely improved the condition of my hair so that in itself makes me continue using it.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this review and if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment.